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Baseball Furniture

Baseball Bat Benches

I was in a sports restaurant in Chicago called Lou Malnatis, and in the waiting area was a bench made of baseball bats. I had to have one, and so I made one. I sold it, and decided I wanted another one. I sold that also, so I have made a few more. Details about the benches will be in the gallery.

The local newspaper did an article about my benches, so please click on the link if you wish to view the scanned newspaper article. I wish they would have put a photograph of a bench in the article, but unfortunately, they did not.

Mesa Arizona Tribune Article Page 1
Mesa Trib Article Page 2

The Atlanta Braves' Bobby Cox Bench
In 2010, the Atlanta Braves contacted me to make a bench for Bobby Cox's retirement as their manager. There is a link to Bobby Cox's tribute at Turner Field where my bench is shown. Not the most important part of the speech, but it comes in about 17:15 into the video. Click on the link to see the video.

Bobby Cox Tribute Video

Please Click on photo below to enter Bat Bench Gallery, plus see latest benches for sale.

Baseball Bat Lamps

I use broken Cactus League bats to make lamps. Please click on the lamp photo for more photos and lamps for sale.

Tobacco Card Tables

I found a discarded coffee table, and wanted a cool baseball coffee table. The cards are all reproductions of older tobacco baseball cards.

Please click on photo below to see different styles of tables to purchase.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at